The Aurora Season

August - April

Aurora Season 23/24

The ongoing season is going great until the latest month, at the moment if writing this we are in the middle of November with a couple of weeks of cloudiness. We recently had an Aurora that was so intense in color and stretched as far as to northern Greece. Unfortunately it was cloudy in almost all of Sweden. This was supposedly the best show in years. But you have to keep the hope of for the coming months there is nothing to do about bad weather. Now I am excited to try out the Sigma 14mm f1.4 for all my night work. As you see above I just started making timelapse’s of the Aurora.

Have a look below to see previous seasons and some information about the Aurora.







What and when is Aurora Season?

Aurora Borealis, the lights of the north, is a result of sunstorms reacting with the magnetic field of the earth. During the months between as early as August to as late as April there is a high chance of visible Auroral activity as the very northern part of the globe is engulfed in darkness.

Far from the city in the darkest corners of Sweden is the very best views of this natural beauty. Somewhere between 21-24 at night is usually the best time but it can be as early as 19 and as late as 05 in the morning.

Northern Lights photography

This is what I long for. The exiting feeling when it meets the eyes. The rush to get outside to capture it. In the cold and quiet outside you only hear your heartbeat and the crunchy snow underneath the shoe whilst on your way to it.

After setting up the tripod I get ready for the lights of the north.

The Aurora are more than just meets the sensor. They emit magic and mystery. In the darkest of dark they bring light and in the most quiet of quiet the pulsating sound brings peace to the soul.

Aurora Season 2022

Continuing on into another season my photography skills has improved and I have invested in better gear. A full frame Sony A7R ii, Laowa 15mm f2 and a sturdy tripod Siri traveler 7C. With this you will be able to get very good results as you can see from below and the selected images I can now proudly present beautiful northern lights.

The Image to the right was the most intense of them all. From the month of Mars.





Aurora Season 2021

This is where it all started, from February to early Mars of 2022. This is my first aurora season that I photographed. I used a crop sensor dslr. Sony a77 and a Tamron zoom lens at its widest 18mm around 27mm eqv. at the brightness of f3,5. This setup is really not a good pick for night sky photography especially with the really cheap tripod I used. And the tripod gave me around a 30% chance hit rate of sharp stars.

I learned a lot and adapted my needs for better quality images for the coming season. To the right is my favourite image from the season and below is a few more captures.